
Upper-Air: Height, Wind, Temperature

Height and Wind
Temperature and Wind

Surface and Precipitation

Precipitation Type
Quantitative Precipitation
Integrated Moisture and Satellite
Radar Products

Upper-Air: Dynamics

Temperature Advection

Severe Weather

Wind Shear
Composite Parameters
Explicit Convective Products
Combination Plots

Winter Weather

Snowfall (10:1 Ratio)
Snowfall (Kuchera Ratio)
Snow Depth
(2 Dec 2024) NCEP has scheduled an extended RRFS A outage for winter 2024-25. Data is expected to stop posting this week and resume by late winter or early spring.
The RRFS A is a prototype NOAA run and not for decision making. It will post as available, and outages may occur. More RRFS details are available here.
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